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Update from Congressman Troy Balderson

Legislative Update

Updated Committee Assignments

In 2023, I was honored to join the House Energy and Commerce Committee (E&C), which has the broadest jurisdiction of any committee in Congress. From expanding broadband internet access to lowering energy costs, this committee plays a key role in shaping policies that impact every American. In this Congress, I will also serve on the E&C Energy Subcommittee, the Health Subcommittee, and as Vice Chairman of the Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee.

Congressional Digital Health Caucus

Last year, I partnered with my friend and colleague Rep. Robin Kelly (IL-2) to create the Congressional Digital Health Caucus. The caucus aims to inform policymakers about digital health innovations and foster collaboration among government, private sector, and health care experts to advance policies that make cutting-edge tools and technologies available for all Americans.

Ohio’s 12th District spans rural communities from Holmes County to Athens County, where access to quality health care professionals and facilities can often be hours away. Digital health care represents the future of medicine and serves as an invaluable tool to bring top-notch care directly into patients’ homes. I am proud to announce that I will re-launch the Digital Health Caucus for the 119th Congress, continuing to advocate for policies that expand innovative health care options for all Ohioans, regardless of their zip code.

Ohio’s New Senator

With JD Vance stepping down from the U.S. Senate to serve as the 50th Vice President of the United States, Governor Mike DeWine was tasked with appointing his replacement. I was thrilled when Governor DeWine selected my friend, Jon Husted, for the position. Having served alongside Jon in the Ohio Legislature, I have witnessed his tireless work ethic and unwavering commitment to the people of Ohio. I look forward to working with him in Washington as we continue to serve our great state.

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