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Holmes County Chamber of Commerce & Tourism Bureau Staff


As the Holmes County Chamber of Commerce & Tourism Bureau, we believe it’s essential for our community and members to recognize the people behind our organization. We are a local agency invested in the success of our community through the support and growth of Holmes County businesses. Our staff combines local knowledge with professional expertise to assist your business and your potential customers. 

Tiffany Gerber

Executive Director

Tiffany is a member of the Merchant Council and Bicentennial Committee in Holmes County. She works with local members to represent our county at various travel shows and events, showcasing its unique attributes and attractions. Tiffany's contribution to our county's tourism industry has been invaluable, and she has played a critical role in promoting its growth and development. 

Jennifer Feucht  

Tourism Marketing Manager  

Jennifer handles our Map and Visitor’s Guide, Travel Shows, Advertising    Ops, PR & Video Content, Meetings/Conventions, and Wedding.  

Samantha Whitworth

Membership & Finance Manager

Samantha is responsible for organizing various Chamber events such as Monthly Member Meetings, HR Council, Safety Council, Golf Outing, and Annual Awards Dinner

Michaela Miller 

Community Relations Admin 

Michaela handles various tasks such as managing the Shop Local  Campaign, Ambassador Committee, Young Professionals of Holmes  County, Business After Hours, Ribbon Cuttings, Bulk Mailings, website  listings/events, and member-to-member exchanges. 

 Kenzie Gallion

 Interactive Content Designer

 Kenzie is the face behind the Holmes County Chamber and Ohio Amish   Country social media pages. She is responsible for designing various   projects for both the Chamber and the Tourism Bureau, including Ads,   Trail Cards, Stickers, and the Holmes County Coloring Book. She also   works with various influencers to promote our area. 


Madeline DeWitt 

Information Specialist 

Madeline is our Information Specialist who handles phone management,  routing calls, assisting visitors, bulk mailings, and stocking the visitor  center. Additionally, she gathers tchotchkes, bags, and other information  for groups upon request. She also serves as a reliable resource for both  the Chamber staff and OFG. 

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