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Travel Host


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TravelHost connects local businesses with travelers through our magazine and online website. We show the traveler exactly where to stay, where to go, what to see, and what to do for a unique travel experience - no other local businesses of interest benefit from the increased tourist traffic we send through their front door. History of TravelHost In the mid-1960s, James E. Buerger, founder of TravelHost, Inc., established a chain of weekly newspapers in Texas, each of which included a television magazine insert. A local hotel manager requested 500 copies for rooms at a Dallas Marriot; thus, the nation’s first in-room hotel magazine was born. Starting in 1967, TravelHost combined television/cable and programming listings with targeted local guide information on dining, entertainment, maps, shopping, relocation, sightseeing, and other activities in each local city. During the early 1970s, TravelHost was the first to pioneer the national/local formula in the publishing industry, expanding its national brand through a unique system of local ownership. By the early 1980s, TravelHost had established itself as the #1 magazine in the hotel magazine industry. The magazine now features full-color pages printed on high-gloss paper stock. In the 90s, TravelHost widened its distribution advantages with several new publication products, from Premium Map inserts to Pocket Magazines, each providing additional advertising and coupon values under the same brand. In the mid-2010s, TravelHost was passed on to Bill Schroeder, former VP of Sales and Marketing, who expanded the company from strictly publishing into a multi-dimensional multimedia business. In 2022, the company was acquired by Bridge News, LLC. Based in Farmington Hills, Michigan, Bridge News includes tv stations and digital assets. The new Chief Executive Officer for TravelHost, Orestes Baez, is bringing these tools together to grow the brand and open new markets across the country. Today, TravelHost is the premier destination resource, celebrating over half a century of serving millions of travelers worldwide through our information-rich website, social media platforms, and in-room TravelHost magazines across the country. TravelHost Magazine TravelHost Magazine is designed to help the traveler. It can point them to where to go and what to do in a city. It shows them the best places to stay, interesting local attractions, or where to go for a night out on the town for a unique and authentic travel experience. When travelers pick up a TravelHost magazine to find information on where to go or what to do, that information has been hand-selected by the local publisher—the TravelHost Owner. They are experts in their area and provide their local expertise to help travelers get the most out of their stay. For example, when a TravelHost magazine recommends an Italian restaurant, they will inform the traveler exactly where to go and what special to order. This bespoke travel experience is just one of the many things we give to travelers: High-Quality Local Content Places to Eat, Shop, and Play Events Maps Who Are the Travelers? A traveler can be anyone from a businessperson on a short stay to a leisure traveler looking for a unique experience they can’t get anywhere else. The travel industry ranks in the Top 3 for most markets based on economic impact. According to the U.S. Travel Association, travelers will spend $928 billion in America each year—that’s 30% more than locals on dining, entertainment, and shopping. is our online website that covers hundreds of cities around the country. Many travelers will use to pre-plan their trip or vacation before they set foot outside their front door. Best of all, the TravelHost website has a blog that allows TravelHost Owners to showcase various places of interest and provide advertising opportunities for local businesses. Owners have control over the content on their websites.

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